Travel Management System Implementation


COMPLEAT is taking care of the data extraction,mining and other activities from GDS systems like Sabre, Galileo and Amadeus. Client intends to develop a website to track their customers’ employee details while on travel.

Goals Achieved

  • Design, development and implementation of a comprehensive web based travel management system
  • Querying the GSDSX system, based on the company, country and location names
  • Connecting to the GDSX with the interface Data connector services
  • Authenticating the access levels to the interface
  • Reading the XML files from the GDSX
  • Creating new records in the private net work
  • Parsing the XML data and making the nodes as columns in the existing database
  • Extracting the data in the nodes and inserting/appending into the database as required


  • Easy and fast tracking employee travel details
  • Reduced turn-around-time and increased productivity
  • Better customer satisfaction and retention
  • Boosted business efficiency and increased profitability